Los Rivera Destino | Sin Ti
About Save a Sato & Pet Friendly
Save a Sato is a non-profit organization dedicated for the last 20 years to easing the suffering of Puerto Rico’s homeless and abused dogs and cats. “Sato” is slang for a street dog. The shelter is a humble place, in the backyard of a house made from wood with an average of 150 dogs and 60 cats. Today, three years after Hurricane Maria hit the Island, Save a Sato still has no roof and uses blue tents to cover the area where the dogs are placed. Most of the animals rescued from the streets require medical attention, and vet bills keep increasing, while donations have stopped almost entirely, because of the pandemic. By making a donation, you will be contributing directly to the well being of all the animals that Gloria and her team help every day until, and if, they find a loving home.
Pet Friendly is a non-profit organization dedicated to identifying and promoting pet-friendly spaces in Puerto Rico. Throughout events and its platform, Pet Friendly raises money to support local shelters who are always in great need of monetary donations as well as food donations among other articles. After Hurricane Maria, all the shelters suffered devastation, and many of them have not been able to recover, such as the case of Save a Sato. Pet Friendly is committed to helping shelters during these difficult times, where donations are extremely limited.
*All donations are made directly to the organizations and are not managed by Sony Music Entertainment.
About Adoption:
Dog adoption is the process by which a person decides to foster and take responsibility for a dog or other pet. In Puerto Rico and in many other countries there are very high numbers of abandoned dogs. When you adopt a dog, you are saving a life: the excess of dogs and pets in shelters and shelters, causes many dogs to go through the process of euthanasia simply because a home was not found for them. If someone is considering adopting, there are several things to consider: the level of activity the pet requires, the type of home the pet would live in, the time available to care for the dog, and training. Some shelters have many pets that, when abandoned, already have previous training. Other pets must be trained if the adopters so desire. Adopting usually entails paying an adoption fee that in most cases includes vaccinations, sterilization of the pet, and other veterinary costs. This fee is generally much lower than buying a dog from a kennel. In the event you are unable to adopt a pet, you can talk to your loved ones about why adopting a dog is a more compassionate option than buying a dog. You can also search online for rescue groups such as The Foster Club and make a monetary donation to help them continue their process of rescuing dogs and other pets.
